I only realized that the Game Jam had started around 2 days late, and I spent an entire 3 days getting AI and shooting working, until the AI STOPPED WORKING, so I had to wrap it up around 2 hours before submission by deleting the only level and turning it into a short demo (that didn't even really introduce the whole concept) that ended with, well its so short, just play it yourself. I am going to expand upon this game and possibly turn it into a full release in the future.

The plot would be something like this:

  1. The player gets a job at this facility
  2. They are a security guard and get their weapons
  3. After or while they are getting their weapons, someone will send a distress signal
  4. Following this, an alarm would start and there would be a message about how some scientific jargon has exploded or gone wrong, causing the world to go unstable (wow, the theme!)

    (this is where the demo stops)
  5. From here on, it plays as a shooter that has many modifiers, and switches modifiers at random once every minute, and switches more often the longer you play.
  6. You fight enemies who are trying to steal information from the facility
  7. At the end there is a plot twist that the employer was actually the bad person and the people who were "trying to steal information" were government officials trying to shut things down before it gets too bad
  8. The employer/boss guy dies in a huge boss battle where he has gotten so unstable (wow, there it is again!) yet powerful from harnessing the power of the dimensional rift, that he can clip through into the third dimension but cannot control his speed. When he is slow and intersecting with the plane which the rest of the 2D game is on, you can shoot him.
  9. Post-credits you would get a way too overpowered sniper rifle as a joke :)


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